The festival will present to the public performances that combine classical and contemporary dance and musical traditions in search of their connection with innovative approaches and modern dramaturgy. The large-scale program will include the ballet The Jungle Book. Reimaigened directed by Akram Khan (UK), an evening of bright numbers presented by "Ballet de Lausanne" (Switzerland), performances of "The Pygmalion Effect" and "Eugene Onegin" staged by the Boris Eifman Ballet Theater (Russia) and the national ballet Lazgi - the Dance of the Soul and Love (Uzbekistan).

The Jungle Book. Reimagined directed by Akram Khan. Akram Khan is one of the most famous contemporary dancers and choreographers. In this new staging Khan and his troupe reinterpret the journey of Mowgli - the hero of Rudyard Kipling's classic work The Jungle Book - through the eyes of a climate refugee.

Ten international dancers, original music, cutting-edge animation, and visual effects will showcase an exciting story about the importance of the relationship between humans and nature, capturing the imagination of the audience.

Maurice Béjart Ballet Lausanne. Since its foundation in 1987, the Maurice Béjart Ballet Lausanne has been a benchmark in the choreographic world. Selected by Maurice Béjart as his successor, Gil Roman heads the troupe and maintains its artistic excellence after the master's departure in 2007.

Maurice Béjart always wanted to open up the world of ballet to a wider audience. Driven by the same spirit, Gil Roman and his dancers perform around the world. As a choreographer for 20 years, Gil Roman preserves Maurice Béjart's works and adds new creations to the troupe's repertoire.

In Boris Eifman's productions of The Pygmalion Effect and Eugene Onegin, he offers ballet interpretations of classic stories. In The Pygmalion Effect, Eifman draws on comedic themes to present the archetypal story of a sculptor who falls in love with the statue he created of a beautiful woman.

Eugene Onegin is a choreographic version of Alexander Pushkin's novel in verse. It boldly combines the works of Pyotr Tchaikovsky and rock music by composer Alexander Sitkovetsky, allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in Eifman's original vision.

Lazgi - the Dance of the Soul and Love

The dance of Lazgi, which means "Soul and Love," has a history dating back 3000 years and is shrouded in mystery and myths. Born on the land of Khorezm, the Lazgi dance embodies ancient wisdom about the creative potential of humans, reflecting phenomena of the surrounding nature, feelings of love and happiness through movement.

The magnificent choreography of Raymondo Rebeca, the incredible combination of light, music, and plasticity, as well as the brilliant performance of the National Ballet of Uzbekistan, always leave an indelible impression on both local and international audiences.