On September 1, 2024, the prestigious Homo Faber: The Journey of Life exhibition opened on the picturesque island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. This highly anticipated event, organised by the Giorgio Cini Foundation in collaboration with the Cologni Foundation for the Métiers d'Art and the Michelangelo Foundation, will run until September 30, 2024. Bringing together over 800 exquisite artisanal masterpieces from more than 70 countries, this year's exhibition promises to be a landmark celebration of global craftsmanship.

The creative vision behind the exhibition has been shaped by the renowned director and producer Luca Guadagnino and architect Nicolo Rosmarini, who have crafted a unique concept and scenography inspired by the theme "The Journey of Life."

Back in 2023, the Homo Faber Foundation added 11 first Uzbek Masters to their online guide as part of a launching event called ‘The Uzbek Chapter’ in Bukhara. The event was a joint initiative with Uzbekistan Art and Culture Development Foundation (ACDF)

In September 2023, young Uzbek Ceramicist Master Shokhruh Rakhimov was one of the first participants in the Homo Faber Fellowship programme. He was invited to work for six months with his Greek peer Giannis Zois.

At Homo Faber Venice 2024, ACDF proudly presents 10 unique works created by Uzbek artisans at the exhibition. In addition to the previously mentioned artisans, the exhibition will showcase the talents of:

Odamboy Masharipov - Woodcarver (Khiva, Uzbekistan)

Nodir Rasulov - Gold thread embroiderer (Bukhara, Uzbekistan)

Madina Kasimbaeva - Embroiderer (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

Sabina Burkhanova - Carpet maker (Bukhara, Uzbekistan)

Akbar Rakhimov - Ceramicist (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

Shokhruh Rakhimov - Ceramicist (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

Alisher Rakhimov - Ceramicist (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

Davlat Toshev - Miniaturist (Bukhara, Uzbekistan)

Abdulvakhid Bukhoriy Karimov - Ceramicist (Bukhara, Uzbekistan)

Khasan Umarov - Knife maker (Kokand, Uzbekistan)

Saida Mirziyoyeva, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, commented:"The involvement of Uzbek artisans in the Homo Faber 2024 exhibition exemplifies how our rich cultural traditions continue to make a significant impact on the global stage. This participation not only highlights the exceptional skills of our artisans but also reinforces Uzbekistan's role as a prominent centre of craftsmanship, dedicated to preserving and nurturing our unique heritage."

The works of the Uzbek masters will be displayed in various thematic halls, highlighting the rich cultural heritage and diverse craftsmanship of Uzbekistan:

  • Celebration Hall: A festive table featuring ceramics by Bukhara master potter Abdulvakhid Bukhoriy Karimov and a knife by Kokand artisan Khasan Umarov.
  • Inheritance Hall: Three vases crafted by representatives of the Rakhimov dynasty of Tashkent potters—Akbar, Alisher, and Shokhrukh.
  • Afterlife Hall: A work by Davlat Toshev, a master of miniature painting and founder of a school in Bukhara.

"It is a great honour to see our artisans, with their extraordinary talents and profound knowledge of traditional crafts, showcased at such a prestigious international event as Homo Faber. This exhibition offers a unique platform to share the richness of Uzbek culture with the world while fostering invaluable exchanges of expertise with artisans from different countries, further propelling the development of craftsmanship in Uzbekistan,"expressed Gayane Umerova, Chairperson of ACDF.

In addition, Shokhrukh Rakhimov, a representative of the renowned Rakhimov family of ceramicists and a graduate of the prestigious Homo Faber Fellowship programme, will present his work "Totem." This unique vase, created as part of the programme, will be exhibited in a dedicated hall showcasing the works of all program graduates.

Shokhrukh Rakhimov shared his impressions:"Over six months, thanks to the unique experience of participating in the Homo Faber Fellowship program, we worked extensively with Greek master Giannis Zois, experimenting with materials I had not previously used—porcelain and gold. The techniques were also different from those I was accustomed to—we worked with high firing temperatures. This led to the creation of many new ideas that will be realised in future collaborations. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to see the fantastic result of our joint. It is a great honour for me, and I will continue to develop traditional Uzbek art, mastering new techniques and gaining new perspectives on working with traditional crafts."

Besides the biennial event, the Homo Faber Foundation is also running the NextGen programme including two key initiatives:

  • Fellowship: A seven-month professional integration programme in partnership with Jaeger-LeCoultre, for duos of master artisans and graduates of craft schools, aimed at developing and transferring skills to the next generation.
  • Young Ambassadors: A programme for students studying crafts and design, providing a unique opportunity to be at the centre of the Homo Faber exhibition as mediators, gaining international experience and inspiration for further development.

At Homo Faber Event in 2024, the Young Ambassadors play a crucial role as mediators. They warmly welcome not only the general public but also designers and artisans, fostering meaningful interactions and connections among participants.

The Young Ambassadors Programme aims to create a supportive and nurturing environment for the next generation of artists, designers, and artisans, helping them to develop their skills, expand their network, and gain valuable insights from experienced practitioners.

This year, Uzbekistan is proudly represented by two young ambassadors, Shohruzakhon Rakhmon-Zoda, a dedicated fourth-year student of "Architecture and Urban Planning" at Kimyo International University in Tashkent (KIUT), and Daria Savelieva, a talented third-year student of "Interior Design" at the Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design. These students will share Uzbekistan’s values of excellence and hospitality on the global stage.

On the occasion of Homo Faber Venice 2024, ACDF has organised a series of masterclasses (August 29 to September 1), at Ca' Foscari University and Versatile, with Uzbek artisans sharing their expertise with a strongly engaged audience.

"We are delighted to exhibit the precious work of several master artisans from Uzbekistan at Homo Faber 2024. In the exhibition Birth, three panels of our Game of the Goose, embroidered by Nodir Rasulov, showcase 30 different gold thread embroidery techniques from Uzbekistan’s rich cultural heritage. Elsewhere, ceramics, ornate knives and handpainted miniatures reveal the history, traditions and modern inspirations that contribute to contemporary craftsmanship in Uzbekistan. In addition, we're proud to display a piece by rising talent Shokhrukh Rakhimov, who collaborated with Greek master Giannis Zois as part of the inaugural HF Fellowship programme. The result of their partnership is shown in the exhibition Dialogues, "highlighted Alberto Cavalli, Executive Director of the Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship.

ACDF congratulates all participants on this significant event and wishes them success in the upcoming exhibition. We are proud that Uzbek artisans will be able to present their work on the world stage, highlighting the richness and uniqueness of Uzbekistan's cultural heritage.