On October 2 and 3, 2024, the Alisher Navoi State Academic Bolshoi Theatre will host the premiere of the opera "Tamerlano" directed by Stefano Poda, presented by the Uzbekistan Art and Culture Development Foundation. The music of George Frideric Handel will be performed in a modern interpretation by Kirill Richter. The premiere is timed to coincide with the IV World Conference on Creative Economy, which will be held in Tashkent from October 2 to 4 this year.

This opera promises to be a grand cultural event, blending the grandeur of the past with modern influences. "Tamerlano" tells the story of the great conqueror before he became a ruler and married Bibi-Khanym. The plot centers on the love story of Amir Temur and the daughter of his enemy, the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid. The dramatic narrative leads the protagonist to understand how to become a just warrior and monarch.

"Tamerlano", considered one of Handel's finest works, was composed by him in 20 days in July 1724. In 2024, the legendary opera celebrates its 300th anniversary. The new production, initiated by the Foundation, features a contemporary reading of Handel's work, focusing on the central storyline and dynamism.

Composer and pianist Kirill Richter has taken on the challenging task of preparing a new interpretation of Handel's music, adding Uzbek national instruments to approximate the authentic sound of Amir Temur's era. The musical accompaniment of the opera will be presented by the National Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan under the direction of Alibek Kabdurakhmanov.

For this project, the Foundation has engaged the best creative talents of international standing. The scenography, costumes, lighting, and choreography are created by the renowned Stefano Poda, whose projects have gained recognition on world stages. In pursuit of aesthetic and conceptual unity, Poda always combines direction, choreography, sets, costumes, and lighting. His unique style is based on a vision that harmoniously weaves ancient imagery with contemporary art. On stage, he speaks his own language, erasing boundaries between different genres and disciplines, creating an all-encompassing experience and a world of total art. Poda does not just tell a story; he creates a plastic, holistic atmosphere that unites design, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and dramaturgy.

The dramaturgy of "Tamerlano" is being developed jointly with Stefano by Paolo Gianni Cei, known for his powerful and emotionally rich productions. Since 2008, he has been collaborating with Poda as an assistant director, scenographer, costume designer, and lighting artist.

A distinctive feature of the opera "Tamerlano" will be the participation of the Honored Choir of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the direction of Gulnara Malikova, the Karnay-Surnay Group "Uzbegim" under the direction of Kamil Muminov, as well as the artists of the Orchestra of Folk Instruments under the direction of Abdukarim Ashirmatov. In total, more than 160 people are involved in the large-scale production.

The opera will be performed in Italian. The lead role will be performed by the most famous bass in the country, People's Artist of Uzbekistan Jenisbek Piyazov. The role of the Turkish Sultan Bayezid will be performed by Spanish tenor Juan Sancho, considered one of the best Handel performers of his generation, and the role of Bayezid’s daughter Asteria will be performed by soprano Verónica Cangemi (Argentina).

"Tamerlano" stands out with artistic and production solutions new to Uzbekistan. This creative project, combining deep respect for traditions and bold innovation, is expected to be a significant event in the cultural life and attract the attention of both the general public and the international music community.

Director, artist, and choreographer — Stefano Poda

Music — George Frideric Handel
In a modern interpretation by Kirill Richter

Conductor — Alibek Kabdurakhmanov

Assistant director and dramaturg — Paolo Gianni Cei


Tickets: iticket.uz